Language passport

When applying for a job, internship or mobility the knowledge of foreign languages is considered an advantage. European Commission has created Language Passport, which helps you to determine your language skills and describe your linguistic experience. It does not matter whether the knowledge is acquired in a formal or an informal way. With the help of Language Passport any user can easily evaluate his/her language knowledge. There is no need for specialists to evaluate your skills; the self-assessment grid will suffice. Language Passport uses the “Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ” which is a six level system used to evaluate language skills. Levels A1 and A2 indicate that your language skills correspond to the Basic user level, B1 and B2 – Independent user level, C1 and C2 – Proficient user level.
Online editor
The Europass Language Passport template is available in different languages on Europass online editor. You can download the electronic template in the language of your choice from the same website, save it on your computer and then create your Europass Language Passport while you are off-line.
If you need to update your Language Passport, you can upload it to the Europass online editor and make the necessary changes at any time.
Europass Language Passport template can be simply downloaded and completed through the Europass portal:

Language Passport online editor

Language Passport template and instructions in 28 languages

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.