
Europass Mobility

The Europass Mobility records the knowledge, skills and competence acquired by an individual during a structured learning experience in another country.

This includes for example:

  • a work placement in a company;
  • an academic term as part of an exchange programme;
  • a voluntary placement in an NGO.
It aims to encourage European mobility, by making its results more visible and easier to communicate.
Europass Mobility experience is a period that a person of whatever age, educational level and professional status spends abroad for learning purposes, and that is completed within the framework of a Community general or vocational education programme or meets the following criteria: the period is part of education arranged in the country of origin, the sending and host organisations make a written agreement on the period, and both of the participating countries are EU or EEA countries.
In Latvia the issue of Europass Mobility is managed by the National Europass Center which is a part of Academic Information Centre.

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.